Saturday 12 March 2016

Increase Facebook fanpage likes in Hubli

I want to increase my facebook likes very fast as I am running internet shop at hubli. so students at hubli provide me some suggestion to increase my facebooks fans fast

How to Logout Facebook Messenger

Here is a tips and I hope it will work to you as well.

First step is you need to login to you Facebook account in the web browser and then go to your Facebook Setting then Security and then in Security Settings, you can see a setting Where You're Logged In.

In Where You're Logged In  you can see all the active sessions where you logged in to a device or a web browser.

Now, you need to look for Messenger(number greater than 0) under by Where You're Logged In and then click to expand. You will see an information about the session and then you will notice or see a link caption with End Activity then click that link so it will end the session to that devices Facebook Messenger.

After it was ended the Facebook Message of that device will automatically logout and notify the session has been expired which asking  to login again. After tapping Ok. It will bring you back to the login page and you can login to your account or switch to another account.

Here is a screenshot:

Generate Website Traffic Quickly with Facebook

Social networking sites are now all the rage in the internet. Facebook just recently announced that their registered members are now over 500 million. Other social sites like Twitter, Foursquare and Gowalla are also enjoying rapid growth. What these mean is that there are millions of people logging in to these social networking sites every single day. Looking at it on a marketer's view, these sites are gold mines. If you are able to tap these markets and use them to drive visitors to your website or blog, you increase your site's chances of being successful by a huge leap.

Social media marketing - Millions of people log-in to social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter every day. This fact alone should be enough reason for you to start social media marketing. All you have to do is create profiles for you and your website then start connecting to people. Build trust and connection first before you start pitching them your stuff.